Success is Better Together
Life is ten times harder when you don't have community and connection
Business is complex and nuanced. It's lonely work without support, peers and access to learning
Working to grow your business through the haze of ALL THE THINGS is harder alone
Celebrating successes is impossible when you don't have applause
It’s complex out there and hard to know where to go to access what you need to build your business as well as to work on yourself (the intersection is real!)
Let’s flip that
and make it fun, connecting, joyful, progressive, exciting and celebratory.
Let’s do it together.
The Power of Belonging is your place to feel seen, heard and valued.
The Power of Belonging is where your learning and development keeps elevating as you access cutting edge.
The Power of Belonging is where you’ll connect, learn and grow with others just like you, in the same position as you, with the same motivation as you.
The Power of Belonging is where you’ll find YOUR people.
 I belong!
Every month, you will access live online sessions hosted by Lucy Power in our Facebook Group.
You’ll access The Vault which contains any of Lucy's teachings.
Every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday you’ll receive a The Belonging Broadcast (like a short and sweet value filled podcast) by Lucy Power on a subject relevant to your growth and development as a person and as a professional (whether you're a leader, a colleague, a Coach, Therapist of consultant, you’re going to want to hear this!)
And you’ll join our private Community inside Facebook, where you’ll receive motivation, support, community and, the most important thing of all, belonging.
 This is what I’ve been longing for!
About Lucy
Lucy Power is a qualified and ICF professional certified Coach with a postgraduate qualification in Personal and Business Coaching from the University of Chester. She is also extensively trained and experienced in Transactional Analysis Psychotherapy among other therapeutic approaches and integrates these with her coaching practice. Lucy has coached for well over 2500 hours and has helped many people access the lives they want and from a place of conscious autonomy.
Following a difficult childhood spent in overwhelm, Lucy has spent all of her adult life searching for meaning and gathering knowledge about how we operate in our hardest and in our best times. Lucy has studied psychology, psychotherapy, philosophy, business administration and leadership, interpersonal neurobiology and complex trauma. She has a Masters in Social Work and worked with marginalised people with complex mental health struggles for years.
Lucy, a Global Woman of Choice award winning community builder, holds the values of love, unity, growth and belonging close to her heart and these inform everything she does. As well as running The Therapeutic Coaching Academy™️, her Coach training and qualification company, she offers exclusive 1:1 Psychotherapeutic Coaching to help you to recognise, understand and resolve your early childhood wounds and become successful, free of old repeating patterns, feeling safe whatever happens, healthy, wealthy and joyful as a result.
Lucy Power
Professionally Certified Personal and Business Coach and Transactional Analysis expert